Tuesday, October 12, 2010

All Hallow's (?) Eve

Where does the apostrophe go?

Anywho...I'm really not a Halloween fan.  Like, not at all.  It's cool, I guess, kind of, when you're a kid.  But I was always a pretty serious child (even before I got sick), and so the dressing up thing never really did it for me. 

Perhaps it will be more fun this year with a) not working, b) not living in a dorm, c) having actual front steps to sit on and give candy to cute little kids from my church.

Nonetheless, there is one good fabulous thing about Halloween.

I give thee,

Halloween Oreos!!

For the last year or two, I hadn't been able to find these at the store, and I was sorely disappointed.  The other day, though, I had to travel into the city to visit a parishoner in the hospital, and I took the opportunity to make a quick WalMart run, where my cart came to a screeching halt when I encountered this:
Yes, friends, it is now officially fall. 

(Side note: I don't even care that much about regular Oreos - whatevs, they're fine.  But Halloween Oreos...they're worth the whole twisting apart and slow-dissection-to-savor-every-bit!  Yum...amazing!)

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